AARP Eye Center

Volunteer Portal Data Entry Training: Volunteer Portal Champions will be available on the 1st Tuesday of each month (January through November) to offer volunteer portal data entry assistance. This training is for volunteers who have already been trained to access the portal and are now ready to learn how to enter volunteer hours or expense reimbursements. Please come with your information ready to input and bring a laptop or iPad. A limited number of devices will be available for loan during the class.
Date: Jan 7, Feb 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, July 1, August 5, September 2, October 7, November 4
Event Time: 2-4 pm
Location: In-person at the AARP AR State Office (1701 Centerview Dr. Little Rock, AR)
Volunteer Portal Training: Volunteer Portal Champions will be available on the 4th Thursday of each month (January through October) to offer volunteer portal trainings. During the training, volunteers will learn to access and navigate the AARP Volunteer Portal. Please bring a laptop or iPad for use; some devices will be available for use during training. Please come with information ready to input including knowing your email and password to your personal AARP membership account.
Click Date to Register: Jan 23, Feb 27, March 27, April 24, May 22, June 26, July 24, August 28, September 25, October 23
Event Time: 2-4 pm
Location: In-person at the AARP AR State Office (1701 Centerview Dr. Little Rock, AR)
Space is limited to 6 persons and the deadline for registration is the Tuesday before the event.

Quarterly Virtual AARP AR Volunteer Portal Training: Volunteer Portal Champions will conduct an hour-long training session on the 1st Thursday in February, May, August, and November on various topics to assist volunteers with navigating the portal and how to access AARP trainings.
Date: February 6 – Exploring and Using the Library
May 1 - Submitting Expense Reimbursements
August 7 – Entering Volunteer Hours
November 6 – Exploring and Using Trainings
Event Time: 10-11am CST
Training Location: Virtual via Zoom
Space is unlimited and the deadline for registration is the Monday before the event.
An Individual Virtual Training Session can be scheduled by contacting a Volunteer Portal Champion:,, or