AARP Eye Center

The next few months are going to be full of experiences and opportunities. Please pre-register using the links below or by calling 877-926-8300 as seating at many of these events is limited.
Senior Planet/OATs Series
Have you ever been frustrated with your cell phone or felt out of the loop when you need to do something on your computer? That’s why we’re happy to share about AARP’s Senior Planet Older Adults Technology Services (OATS).
Senior Planet is a mix of free virtual programs about financial security, social engagement, creative expression, health and wellness, and civic participation. But more than that, Senior Planet houses OATS. OATS is celebrating 20 years of empowering people through technology.
AARP Arkansas has hand selected a series of classes happening between now and the end of the year. Join us to learn how to save on broadband, navigate online prescription medications, contact your lawmakers, and more. You need to register to attend, and the programs are available for viewing for up to one week for registrants.
Register and get more information here!
Basics of Better Connectivity Webinar, September 26, 2:00 p.m.
Join us for the “Basics of Better Connectivity,” a free one-hour webinar designed to give you a clear sense of what high-speed Internet is and demystify the technology involved. Plus, we’ll hear what is being done – from the federal government all the way down to the local level – to get America to the point where everyone can fully participate in a 21st century Internet-connected world.
More information and registration can be found here!
Virtual Portal Champion Office Hours
Have you attended Volunteer Portal Champion Office Hours? If so, you know the importance of entering your volunteer hours into the portal. This year, your hours will be added up for our AARP Arkansas Distinguished Service Award, which will be presented in December at our annual Andrus Luncheon and Training.
Register for portal training here.
Speaking of the Andrus Awards, there is still time to nominate a worthy Arkansans 50-plus who is sharing their experiences, talents, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members. This person does not need to be affiliated with AARP, but their work does need to reflect AARP’s mission, vision, and purpose.
Andrus Award Nomination Info.
Livable Communities Training Opportunities
As part of our AARP Livable Communities programming, we have opportunities for volunteers to attend strategic trainings centered on making communities stronger. Please pre-register using the links below or by calling 877-926-8300 as seating at many of these events is limited.
August 21, 2-4 p.m., Neighborhood Walks Training, State Office
Going for a walk is a simple yet powerful way to get to know your neighborhood and better understand its assets and challenges. But what’s even better than going for a walk on your own? Going for a walk with your neighbors. Learn how to organize a neighborhood walk and make a difference in your communities. This program is being presented in collaboration with Our Little Rock. Please register here.
September 11, 3-5 p.m., Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities Summit, Junior League of Little Rock
The AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities supports the work of local, regional and state governments as they prepare for the nation’s changing demographics. We are excited to share with you a wonderful opportunity work together on an age-friendly community action plan. Please register here.
September 12, 8:00 AM-4:00 p.m., Age-Friendly Little Rock Summit, West Central Community Center, Little Rock
Creating Community Connections is the theme of the Age-Friendly Little Rock Commission’s first summit. As a presenting sponsor, AARP Arkansas is proud to help AFLR bring together residents, service providers, and community leaders for discussions and networking. This event is free and open to the public. Those attending will learn about the principles of a livable community, tackling housing and transportation issues in our city, and providing information about digital technology and healthy living. Exhibitors will be available to share resources. Lunch and door prizes will be provided. Please register here.
September 18, noon- 2 p.m., AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities Summit, West Memphis Public Library
The AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities supports the work of local, regional and state governments as they prepare for the nation’s changing demographics. We are excited to share with you a wonderful opportunity work together on an age-friendly community action plan. Please register here.