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Finances 50+

More than half of Arkansas’ private-sector workers lack access to an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan, putting them at risk of financial insecurity.
Get all the details here about the Arkansas Save plan.
Could your budget take a 20 percent cut?
AARP Arkansas is proud to promote and participate with the Arkansas Attorney General's Office at their 2023 Elder Abuse Conference in Hot Springs.
AARP’s Financial Resilience team is working to ensure you are able to take charge of your future by offering unbiased information as you work, plan and save for long-term financial security.
Find out more about this issue at AARP’s second in a series of free webinars.
Talks and Workshops with AARP
Find out what you can already be doing to prepare at our free, two-part webinar.
Does your community group, church or business want to learn more about retirement, fraud prevention and other matters affecting people over 50?
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