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AARP AARP States Arkansas Scams & Fraud

Fight Fraud. Shred It on May 3, 2025.

Man pours papers into large trash bin.

Join AARP Arkansas for the first 2025 Shred Fest in Little Rock on May 3rd.

No one wants to be a victim of fraud and one of the best ways to protect yourself from identity theft is simply to shred confidential documents such as medical records, credit card and bank statements, and old tax records.

Shredding will be done on-site, rain or shine: Follow the signs from Shackleford across from the Heart Hospital.
· Limited three boxes per vehicle.
· This is for personal documents, not businesses.
· PRE-REGISTER for faster service
· Please no plastic bags, binders, or other items that could damage the industrial shred trucks.

Please register for this free event at or call the event registration number at 877-926-8300.

Exciting news!! Shred Fest will be a drop off site for non-perishable food items to be distributed to local food banks through the Arkansas Food Bank. This is a completely optional donation opportunity. Monetary donations can not be accepted by our volunteers (however you are welcome to make those directly to the Food Bank via their website).

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