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AARP AARP States Arkansas Volunteering

Volunteer Update

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Now open: 2023 Andrus Award Nominations

The Andrus Award, named for AARP’s founder Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, honors outstanding individuals who dedicate their time and talents to enrich their communities. AARP Arkansas is now accepting nominations for this prestigious award through this form. Nominations close July 15. 

For added fun, we're including some interesting facts about Dr. Andrus in this quick video

News You Need to Know

You may have seen an email from the AARP Office of Volunteer Engagement regarding a new volunteer liability waiver and media release. AARP is committed to regularly evaluating the process to ensure we were on the right path. After careful consideration, re-assessing potential risks, and listening to your valuable feedback, effective immediately, AARP leadership has ceased the implementation of the volunteer liability waiver and media release (“the waiver”). More information will be coming from AARP national and your State Office.

Volunteer Events

Thank you to all the volunteers who assisted with our Shred Fest events in Springdale (Hub 1) and Little Rock (Hub 2). Have you seen the photos and videos on our social media? Check them out here: Little Rock and Springdale

We were also proud to have more than 1,143 people join us for our live tele-town hall about fraud with the Arkansas Attorney General's Office and  AARP Fraud Watch Network

What's In a Name? 

We want your help in naming our monthly volunteer email. Send your suggestions to Patricia Fry, Associate State Director of Community Outreach and Engagement, at by the end of June. The winning name will receive an AARP Arkansas spirit pack. 

About AARP Arkansas
Contact Information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.