AARP Eye Center

It is difficult to believe that preparations for the holidays are right around the corner. Perhaps for you, like for me, dropping temperatures invoke memories of turkeys cooking or frenzied trips to visit loved ones. These are the upsides of the holidays. For some older individuals, sometimes memories are all they have. Isolated and financially vulnerable, sometimes these Coloradans have no one to bring them a holiday meal, share a smile, and create a happy memory for them. That is where AARP’s community partner, Volunteers of America, comes in. Volunteers across the Denver-metro area will deliver 5,000 meals to our most vulnerable on December 14 th of this year.
This program, Baskets of Joy, has been filling an incredible need in the Denver-metro community for 25 years. I was disheartened to learn that in the counties of Jefferson, Arapahoe, Adams, Douglas and Denver there are approximately 23,200 AARP members 75 years of age and older who are living on less than $20,000 per year. If you know someone who is alone, and could use some joy, please take the time to nominate them to receive a basket. Volunteers are also needed to fill the baskets, and I can give my personal guarantee that this is a great team building event for families or businesses. Visit the VOA website or call 303-297-0408 ext. 13169 to nominate someone or to volunteer call 303-297-0408 ext. 13168.*
I know that life does not revolve around the Front Range! In the event that you are outside of the Denver-metro area and would like to work to make someone else’s life better during the holidays, there are many opportunities available on the Create the Good® website. This website allows you to look for a volunteer opportunity or organize a volunteer opportunity in your area. Go to Create the Good to find your activity. If you come up with a great idea and need volunteers to help you fulfill it, you can post your idea on the website as well! It really is one-stop-shopping. Please let me know if you decide to do something special for older individuals in your area during the holidays and send us a description. We’ll highlight it in our next e-newsletter.
I enjoy serving as your State Director. I am constantly in awe of the amazing work our members accomplish while on the job or in the volunteer trenches. Please take the time to read the other articles in the e-newsletter will give you some other ways to give back, or perhaps will motivate you to create your own opportunity from the tool-kits found on Create the Good.
May your Fall be fun and productive!
Morie Smile, Director
AARP Colorado
*Please note any information you provide to the host organization will be governed by its privacy policy.