Last week, volunteers and staff from AARP Fraud Watch Network and AARP Colorado turned up the heat on one issue plaguing Coloradans – cryptocurrency ATM fraud.
Join AARP Colorado for a Scam Jam Weekend in June! AARP Colorado and AARP ElderWatch will be in Grand Junction and Fruita, CO June 28– 29, 2024 for three fraud events. Learn how you can stamp out fraud and help protect your identity.
Fraud losses in Colorado have more than tripled since 2019, federal data shows. The state hopes a new mediation program and revamped Stop Fraud Colorado website will help protect consumers.
Criminals commonly use the names of well-known and reputable computer companies, online retailers, money transfer services and virus protection software companies to try and defraud others. These computer-related scams often claim to be with companies like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Norton, McAfee, PayPal and eBay, just to name a few. It is important to remember that computer scams can occur on any device that can access the internet including a smartphone and tablet. The following are some red flags to look out for to help identify some of the most reported computer-related scams:
When temperatures are very high or very low, scammers take advantage of the heating and cooling needs of consumers. Utility scammers commonly pose as someone who works for your gas, water or electric company. These scams can be very tricky because they often know your name, address and the correct name of your utility provider. Their goal is often to work quickly to convince you they hold important resources like your heat, A/C, power and water in their hands.
People of all ages use text messages to communicate, often even more so than talking on the phone or sending an email. Scammers have noted this trend and now use text messaging to contact potential victims. As the use of smart phones and text messaging grows, it is critical that cell phone users are extra vigilant about potential scams that could come to their phone via text. The following are a few tips for avoiding potential text message scams:
Each year on June 15 we observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This is not a holiday to celebrate, but one to recognize that elder abuse is a serious problem in America and throughout the world, and if more people can recognize indicators of elder abuse, we can help to stop it!
Spring and summer months are often an ideal time to engage in projects around the house. The ElderWatch helpline receives many complaints about projects having to do with home repairs, remodel jobs and yard work. The following are some tips for hiring a contractor, handyperson or help with your yard:
Cybercrime has jumped in Colorado and nationwide amid the COVID-19 pandemic. And while people have largely returned to meeting and shopping in person, online fraud remains stubbornly high.