AARP Eye Center

Join AARP Colorado for NeighborWalks 2018. Enjoy guided walks through some of Denver's most beautiful and interesting neighborhoods. Come meet others in your community, learn the history and join the fun. Walks will be led by a local historian.
The goal of NeighborWalks is to get more people walking every day for health, transportation, environment, and community. The walks are designed to be inclusive and are themed, educational and social events that bring neighbors together to explore neighborhoods and enjoy the cities walking and pedestrian infrastructure, historic and cultural districts, parks and public spaces.
Join us for one or all of these fun events:
7th Avenue Tour
Tuesday, October 9, 2018 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Where the rich and famous choose to live, hospitable housing is sure to be found. A number of parkways crisscross the city, part of a beautification project to make us the "Paris of the United States." Along these grand boulevards, many of them historic districts, there are stories of the people who lived in these fine homes as well as the splendor of the streetscape itself. The 7th Avenue Historic District, wedged between Cheesman Park and the Country Club neighborhood, offers quiet respite from the busy streets surrounding it. Too much to see in one day, we'll pick out some of the gems for you.
This tour will start at the NE corner of 7th Avenue and Williams.
Register now.
Denver International Airport Tour
Monday, October 15, 2018 4 - 6 p.m.
Most people don't linger in an airport, busily heading somewhere else or heading home. DIA in a national award winner for its art and is worth a linger, however. Join us for a walk around the main terminal of DIA to see the art and hear the stories. As for the best piece of art in Colorado, that wonderful blue horse welcoming people to our state, we won't get to see it except at a distance, but you'll learn how the artist interpreted his creation. There's so much to see, so take a trip to the airport for the airport itself.No security lines required!
This tour will start under the Westin Hotel, at the top of the escalators from the train station.
Register now.
LODO Ghost Signs Tour
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 5 - 7 p.m.
Thursday, October 25, 2018 5 - 7 p.m.
Long before it was the hip place to be, what is today LoDo was a hard-working area of warehouses, mercantile offerings and light industrial, all located within easy and sensible proximity to the train station. As downtown's fortunes changed, the area into ignominy, becoming known as Denver's Skid Row. As the buildings have been restored, some of the hints of the past are being revealed: ghost signs. These are advertisements, often large and quite conspicuous, on the sides of building. Our tour will contain nothing spectral, so you may leave your phantom-viewing glasses at home. Rather, we'll see the signs as segue ways into the stories of the people and the buildings they used for work.
This tour will start at the flag pole in front of Union Station, intersection of 17th Street and Wynkoop.
Register now Tuesday, October 23, 2018 5 -7 p.m.
Register now Thursday, October 25 2018 5 - 7 p.m.
Please be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and sunscreen and bring an adequate supply of water for yourself.