AARP Eye Center
Join us for a Colorado journey into history. We are offering a five part webinar series. If you cannot make it please register and watch at your own leisure as it will be recorded.
Wednesday, July 8th, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM for Leadville Journey
The figures who moved through the streets of Leadville were as monumental as the city itself. Their triumphs and trials have shaped the fortunes of the entire state. Join us to examine the unparalleled richness of Leadville history. Trust us: the journey will NOT leave you cold. Though Leadville has settled down somewhat since the tempestuous days of its youth, the sobriety of the modern day still holds a twinkle in its eye. Come and catch that wonderful mountain fever!
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Wednesday, July 15th, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM for Denver Elegance
All along the Front Range of Colorado are symbols of refinement and examples of the tonier ways of life. Contrary to the visions of the Old West, the Rocky Mountains were not just for cowboy boots and spittoons. Once Denver was founded, it would not take long for those with more money to separate themselves from the rest. The well-heeled of Denver shared some of that frontier restlessness, though, so where the well-to-do lived would change over time. We’ll examine the neighborhoods where they displayed their opulence and why they moved to other ones. Lifting your pinkie is not required!
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Wednesday, July 22nd, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM for Castles of Colorado
We all know what the simple folk do; it's time to find out how the royals live! Let’s photographically walk the halls of some imperial residences. Structures like the Cherokee and Springer Castles, Glen Eyrie and Miramont have made us all strut about as if we are wearing royal purple! These majestical monuments to might and money have a diverse range of stories to share, and there are other buildings that are chateauesque enough in their appearance to rate a mention along our way. Whether hoi polloi or elite, blue blood or base, peasant or noble, it’s time to explore some of the extravagance around us. Perhaps we’ll see Cinderella on her way to the ball!
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Wednesday, July 29th, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM for Denver’s Political Palaces
Most of us are familiar with Colorado's official halls of government, from the stately golden dome of the capitol to the holiday-lit columns of the City and County Building. But have you ever wondered where our most famous (and infamous) politicians called home? We’ll learn why particular neighborhoods across the wider metropolitan area were once popular, but somehow fell out of fashion. With figures from Denver’s earliest days to those still with us today, there are stories of scandals, nobility, opulence and mysteries left to us by those who left politics somewhat abruptly. Oh, if the walls could talk!
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Wednesday, August 5th, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM for Stories of Dams
When the first Americans reached the area that would one day become Denver, they saw nothing that even remotely reminded them of the great rivers of the eastern United States. Mark Twain had nothing good to say about the South Platte. Yet over the years there have been numerous times when these much-maligned creeks and rivers rose to great heights, literally. Join us for a lesson on the city's efforts to control the power of rushing water, sometimes well and sometimes with disastrous results. Even Mark Twain would approve.
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