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Fall Series on Brain and Bone Health Worth the Time


This fall Buff Bones* will run a four-part webinar, "Use it or Lose it: Brain and Bone Health."

Starting Oct. 19, 2022, each Wednesday will explore a different theme, from the feet, knees and hips to shoulders, neck and wrists, to the back trunk and abs and then finally connecting it all through the full body. This program allows you to learn more about your skeleton as it relates to your brain and ways to take charge of your health.

Ongoing research is examining the relationship between brain and bone health and how findings on bone can improve neurological disorders, and how the brain's relationship to the skeletal system can improve conditions of bone fragility like osteoporosis. This four-part series will touch on the brain-bone connection and delve into ways you can improve the state of your bones through exercise and protect them for years to come. Click here to sign up.  

#1 - Oct 19  Feet, knees and hips

#2 - Oct 26  Shoulders, neck and wrists

#3 - Nov 2   The back, trunk and abs

#4 - Nov 9    Full body, connecting it all 

Science has revealed a two-way relationship between brain and bone, and how each can regulate one another. Certain molecules and proteins act on each, stimulating key functions upon which our basic health depends.

We often think of the brain and the bones as two completely unrelated networks. After all, one is the central command of your body's electrical system and the other, the general force transmitter through movement. Yet it's far more complex and interrelated. For instance, hormones mediated by the brain regulate bone remodeling (the recycling process, if you will, by which bone tissue renews itself to stay fresh and new.) And conversely, bone secretes a hormone known as osteocalcin (that's right, bone tissue can act like a gland!) which may impact cognitive functions and memory. 

Delving deeper, we discover a direct relation to disease between the brain and skeleton. Low bone density and osteoporosis may have a correlation to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in postmenopausal women. Furthermore, women with high amounts of bone loss in the hip have an increased likelihood of developing dementia compared to those with limited loss.

And interventions, like exercise, to improve the state of bone also relate to reduced risk of cognitive impairment. So bone and brain health deserve consideration together, and we should promote exercise as a prevention for pathologies in both.

Rebekah Rotstein is the founder of Buff Bones®

*This is not an AARP event. Any information you provide the host organization will be governed by its privacy policy.

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