AARP Eye Center

AARP Colorado ASD Advocacy Director Kelli Fritts was chosen by the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) to receive the agency’s Distinguished Service Award on April 23, 2014.
The award is given to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the region and to the work of DRCOG. Fritts is being recognized for her work to improve the lives of older adults in the Denver region and throughout Colorado.
“I’m extremely pleased that Kelli has received this well-deserved recognition for her tireless advocacy on behalf of older Coloradans,” said AARP Colorado State Director Morie Smile.
Fritts was presented with the Distinguished Service Award during a ceremony at the DRCOG Awards Celebration in the History Colorado Museum in Denver.
During the past few legislative sessions, Fritts has been instrumental in helping gain additional funding for senior services throughout the state, which include Meals on Wheels, transportation and ombudsman services to help keep older adults in their homes and independent for as long as possible. She and her team of AARP volunteer advocates also have fought legislation that would have introduced untested and unproven drugs into the state, and for many years kept telephone deregulation at bay, among other issue wins.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Shirley Leow