AARP Eye Center
Share your love and wisdom with a child…be a foster grandparent.
AARP Colorado is excited to tell you about the Volunteers of America Foster Grandparent Volunteer Opportunity. Take advantage of this stipend* volunteer opportunity if:
- You love children and enjoy spending time with them.
- You are willing and able to volunteer 15-40 hours per weekhelping children learn and succeed.
- You are 55 years old or older.
- You live in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Denver, JeffersonCounty, El Paso or Larimer County.
If you are interested in this stipend* volunteer opportunity, call Volunteers of America, 303-297-0408 and ask for the
Foster Grandparent Program.
Plant a seed. It’s yours to sow. Call today. Watch a child grow! Call 303-297-0408
* income must be under $24,280 for a single person household, or under
$32,920 for a two-person household to participate in stipend.