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AARP AARP States Colorado

Su Teatro Presents Christmas en Colorado

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When it comes to finding success, sometimes you have to put a few miles between yourself and your hometown.

But when it comes to understanding what's truly important in life, you have to come back home. That is the premise of Su Teatro's presentation of Christmas en Colorado, written and directed by Anthony J Garcia, with music adapted from the music of Tish Hinojosa.

What to know more? Join AARP for a special performance of Su Teatro's Christmas hit Christmas en Colorado on Dec. 15, 2 p.m. at Su Teatro — Denver Civic Theater, 721 Santa Fe Drive in Denver. Admission is $3 for AARP members (up to four tickets per member).

Tickets may be picked up by presenting your AARP membership card at the Su Teatro box office, 721 Santa Fe Drive, or by phone at 303-296-0219 (confirm that you are an AARP member). Call, or visit the box office Monday, 2-5:30 p.m. and Tuesday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

*This is not an AARP event. Any information you provide to the host organization will be governed by its privacy policy.

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