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AARP AARP States Georgia

AARP Audit Identifies Improvements for Making Multi-Use Paths More Walkable

An AARP audit of Peachtree City's multi-use path system highlighted areas where the trails could promote more walkability by residents.

Keith Larson, a community advocate with Bike-Walk Fayette, started the audit due to his vision to create "an active community fully connected by pedestrian networks" that allows all people equitable access to active recreation and alternative modes of transportation.


“I am seeking to learn appropriate planning benchmarks and tools to elevate the status of pedestrians in a community known mostly for the extensive 100+ mile multi-use path system and golf carts," Larson said.

Larson's unique perspective and familiarity with the different traffic found on Peachtree City's multi-use paths helped AARP expand its walk audit tool kit. Now the organization has alternative worksheets for multi-use paths and trails that can be used when auditing a community's walkability.

Keith is currently in the process of identifying and marking ADA-accessible routes at six Peachtree City parks and nature areas. Southside Support Inc., and other numerous volunteers, are assisting Keith with the initiative.

The project, which is receiving funding from AARP, has already been formally approved by the City Council.

Click here to read AARP's " Stories from the State Walking College: An Idea Book for Taking Action to Create More Walkable Communities "

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