AARP Eye Center
The legislature reconvened for 2020 this week and AARP Georgia is ready for action to advocate on behalf of issues of importance to the 50+. Last week, we hosted a training in our office for nearly 40 volunteers to ready them for the session and our upcoming Capitol Day on January 30th.

Part of our focus this year will be on our continued efforts for passage of a virtual visitation bill. This bipartisan legislation will give nursing home residents and their family members the ability to install a monitoring device in the resident’s room, allowing family members to be an ongoing part of their loved one’s care team. This bill will be reintroduced with some improvements in the very near future.
And, of course, our work continues to Stop Rx Greed. Last week, the Georgia House of Representatives held a Joint Special Committee on Access to Quality Health Care and Insurance Committee meeting at the Georgia Legislature at which they discussed “Factors That Impact the Price of Medication.” We appreciate the Legislature’s commitment to this issue and look forward to opportunities for collaboration as we fight to lower prescription drug prices.
Be on the lookout for next week’s Capitol Catch-up. You can also view the video on the AARP Georgia Facebook page!