AARP Eye Center
Michael (Mike) Fagan is a 71-year-old Arizona resident from Clarkdale. Mike is an expert in fitness, wellness, nutrition, naturopathic supplements, and most health related fields.
He has hiked all over the world in the harshest environments and is quite adept at most athletic endeavors. Mike Fagan owns a Health Food store, called Montana Harvest Natural Foods in Billings, Montana, and has a local radio show, “Let’s Stay Healthy” on News Talk 730 that supports healthy eating and activities while focusing on the education of its customers rather than just selling them products.
Put the Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, and the Continental Divide Trail together, and you're talking more than 7,900 miles of walking across 22 states, with one million feet of elevation gain thrown in for fun. Reportedly only five have done so in one season. (As of November 2018, 396 hikers have been designated Triple Crowners by ALDHA-West since 1994 – yet all these took more than one season). To put in perspective the significance of this accomplishment, 3x as many people have walked on the surface of the moon than completed the Triple Crown within in one calendar year.
Mike will attempt to conquer the Triple Crown in one season, starting in Feb. 5, 2019. He will be wearing a Garmin GPS locator and carry a satellite phone, so he can be tracked and followed.
The projected mileage goals are 252 days of hiking an average of 30 miles per day = 7,700 miles. The tentative proposed route is based on a 2016 successful completion that started with the Appalachian Trail: 2/5-4/29, the Pacific Crest Trail: 5/3-7/23, and the Continental Divide Trail: 7/28-10/16.
Resupplies and support are arranged through AZ nonprofit Gold Canyon Heart and Home. Joe Chiappetta, Executive Director of GCHH is thrilled to be part of the project and invites people to track Mike's progress. GCHH is organizing and sponsoring the project as part of its senior outreach and support activities.
“One person hiking the Triple Crown can inspire thousands. One person hiking the Triple Crown with the support and active participation of others in their age group creates the opportunity to inspire millions…. The entire vision of this project revolves around senior participation. It’s about creating greater awareness that age is only a number, and that number equals experience and talent across literally every career, skill-set or hobby."
Stay tuned in 2019 for more details and tracking. We will be following Mike and sending updates.