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AARP AARP States Georgia Volunteering

Meet AARP Georgia Volunteer Jeannie Hill

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AARP Georgia volunteer Jeannie Hill is committed to assisting seniors. As a long-distance caregiver, she finds enjoyment in giving back to seniors.

Hill is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and moved to Atlanta in January 2008 after retiring from the United States Postal Service. She always enjoyed volunteering, whether it was ushering at church or different venues. In 2014, Hill became an AARP Georgia volunteer.

“I have not regretted it one day,” Hill said. “This is one of the best volunteering jobs I have had. I like helping people.”

Besides volunteering, Hill is also a long-distance caregiver for her 88-year-old mother, her 90-year-old aunt who lives in Mississippi, and her 85-year-old neighbor. Hill’s mother has dementia, which requires Hill to care for her mother more.

“I am always available to advocate for seniors,” Hill said. “This is one way to show how much God has blessed me.”

The Detroit native has had a passion for dancing since she was 17. Hill takes dance classes for Salsa, Cha-Cha, ballroom dance, and the Chicago Step. She even travels to different cities to dance at local events.

“Even at these events, there are people in their 70s and 80s dancing. I always say to myself I am going to be just like them,” Hill said.

Hill’s ultimate passion is caring for seniors. She enjoys being there to help out in any way that she can. She loves to see the smile on seniors’ faces when she is volunteering.

“Anything I could do to help assist the 50-plus community, I will do it,” Hill said. “If we do not speak up for them, who will?”

Courtney Jackson
AARP Georgia
Communications Intern

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