Honoka’a residents Miles Okumura and Lynn Higashi have been selected by AARP, the nonprofit organization for people 50 and older, to receive the 2024 AARP Hawai`iAndrus Award for Community Service, the Association’s most prestigious and visible state volunteer award for community service.
The AARP Foundation is recruiting friendly and service-oriented people throughout Hawai`i to join its Tax-Aide volunteer team. Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest free, volunteer-based tax assistance and preparation program. During the 2024 tax season, almost 28,000 volunteers served over 1.7 million taxpayers. Tax-Aide participants saved more than $1.3 billion in refunds and credits.
AARP Hawai`i and the ARTS at Mark’s Garage invite artists of all mediums to submit art works to be displayed in the “Art of Caring” exhibition in November, National Caregivers Month.
Projects to improve communities from the North Shore to Kalihi and a Big Island project to bring live performances to East Hawai`i residents received 2021 Community Challenge grants totaling $72,786, AARP Hawai`i announced today.
Nominate an outstanding Hawai`i volunteer 50 or older for the 2021 Andrus Award for Community Service by the extended deadline of Aug. 16. The Andrus Award is AARP Hawai`i’s highest honor and recognizes an individual or couple who are sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members.
The latest release of AARP’s Nursing Home COVID-19 Dashboard incorporates new data on vaccination rates and finds that nearly 84 percent of staff and about 86 percent residents have been vaccinated for COVID-19 in Hawai`i, the highest percentage in the nation for staff vaccinations.
Learn to make fast, healthy and ono versions of local Japanese favorites in August during AARP Hawai`i’s Fast, Healthy and Ono cooking webinars with Windward Community College Chef Daniel Swift.
Is your 65th birthday coming up? You know what that means: It’s time to prepare for Medicare. Get ahead of the game with answers from our free webinar on Medicare, including when to enroll, what’s covered and where to find help along the way.
Learn how to understand and track hurricanes, how to retrofit your home to survive a hurricane, plan for climate change and worst-case disasters, and how to create a disaster plan for any emergency from a tsunami to wildfires and even a made-for-TV “Sharknado” in a series of webinars this month from AARP Hawai`i.
AARP kupuna activists who responded to a questionnaire in late May have overwhelmingly been vaccinated but say they will still wear masks in gatherings with strangers. Most also support the state’s indoor mask mandate and the Safe Travels program, which requires people coming to Hawai`i to get a COVID-19 test before traveling or quarantine.
AARP Hawai`i is accepting nominations for its most prestigious volunteer award, the 2021 Andrus Award for Community Service, which honors Hawai`i residents 50 and older who are sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members.