Honoka’a residents Miles Okumura and Lynn Higashi have been selected by AARP, the nonprofit organization for people 50 and older, to receive the 2024 AARP Hawai`iAndrus Award for Community Service, the Association’s most prestigious and visible state volunteer award for community service.
The AARP Foundation is recruiting friendly and service-oriented people throughout Hawai`i to join its Tax-Aide volunteer team. Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest free, volunteer-based tax assistance and preparation program. During the 2024 tax season, almost 28,000 volunteers served over 1.7 million taxpayers. Tax-Aide participants saved more than $1.3 billion in refunds and credits.
Are you skilled at using your phone to take photos and videos, or just getting started? Are you a master at Facebook and Twitter, or do you lurk in the background?
The city and county of Honolulu will look at all programs, facilities and services now and going forward to see how they affect all generations from kupuna to keiki.
AARP Hawai‘i released its 2018 Gubernatorial Video Voters’ Guide as part of AARP’s “Be the Difference. Vote™” campaign, which continues AARP’s long tradition of nonpartisan voter engagement. This guide will provide Hawai‘i voters with information on where the candidates stand on issues that matter most to older residents and their families and help these impactful voters make their voices heard on Election Day.
For the price of a cup of coffee, a criminal can buy your personal information on the Dark Web and begin stealing your identity. Despite that alarming thought, a recent AARP survey found that most people do not take basic precautions against identity fraud.