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Finances 50+

Keeping Social Security financially solvent will be AARP Iowa’s top voter engagement issue this year—leading up to the 2024 presidential caucuses.
In July, AARP Iowa is presenting a free virtual workshop to teach older Iowans how to plan for a financially secure retirement.
Find out more about this issue at AARP’s second in a series of free webinars.
Find out what you can already be doing to prepare at our free, two-part webinar.
As we enter the holiday season, once again it pays to be vigilant to avoid scams or slip-ups that could put a damper on your celebrations. Here are some ways to keep your holidays happy:
Lately, scammers have been spoofing phone numbers of banks, doctor's offices and other official agencies. Spoofing means that a scammer's phone number will show up on your caller ID as an official number. Scammers have been doing this with the 1-800 number for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to try and collect vital personal information from people in order to steal their identities.
This Q&A Webinar Offers Tips Anyone Can Use
Attend AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
When your personal information has been put in jeopardy, one of the first steps you want to take is freezing your credit report. In the past, this process has been costly and tedious but soon it will be much smoother.
Attend Our Free Webinar to Get All the Answers
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