AARP Eye Center

Louisianans will elect a new governor this fall to replace term-limited Gov. John Bel Edwards (D), and will also cast ballots in other statewide and legislative races.
Registration deadlines for the Saturday, Oct. 14, primary are Wednesday, Sept. 13, for in-person and by-mail registrants, and Saturday, Sept. 23, for those registering online.
For the Saturday, Nov. 18, general election, deadlines are Wednesday, Oct. 18, for in-person and by-mail registrants, and Saturday, Oct. 28, for online ones.
Early voting is Sept. 30 through Oct. 7 (excluding Oct. 1) for the primary, and Nov. 3–11 (excluding Nov. 5 and Nov. 10) for the general. Early voting is from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For more details and dates, see, or visit and click on the “Geaux Vote” icon.