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AARP AARP States Maryland

Make Your Voice Heard


People over 50 are a powerful civic force in Maryland, making up a significant—and not easily ignored—voting bloc.

In the 2016 presidential primary exit polls in the Free State, people 50-plus made up 49 percent of the Democratic primary vote and 57 percent of the Republican vote.

But you can’t participate if you don’t register. AARP Maryland reminds residents that the state has made that process easy for eligible voters.

The state offers both online registration and no-excuses absentee voting, meaning people can mail their ballots and do not need to leave their home.

AARP is a nonpartisan organization and does not endorse candidates for office.

The association urges everyone to participate in the political process so that lawmakers pay attention to matters affecting older adults.

Learn how to register to vote or request an absentee ballot by going to

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