AARP Eye Center

One in five adults over 65 has been the victim of fraud, losing $2.9 billion a year to identity thieves and con artists. Unfortunately, even more, money is lost to exploiters who are family, friends or caregivers.
To assist Marylanders in identifying and combating fraud, AARP Maryland, the Office of the Attorney General, Office of the Comptroller, CCCSMD (Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Maryland), the U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland, the Commissioner of Financial Regulation from the Maryland Department of Labor, Federal Bureau of Investigation Baltimore Division and a coalition of consumer protection groups host an annual statewide public awareness campaign during PROTECT Week (Protecting Older Americans from Financial Exploitation), June 10-17, 2024.
Beginning Monday, June 10 through Monday, June 17 we will be streaming a series of FREE workshops, webinars, interviews and tele-town halls with leading experts on elder financial abuse on our Facebook and YouTube channels. Alongside our virtual activities, we are also hosting a variety of in-person events throughout the week, including free document shred events and workshops. For a complete list, scroll through the list below.

"AARP Maryland Consumer Alert on Maryland State Circle" Maryland Public Television, June 19, 2023.
AARP Maryland
Baltimore County Department of Aging
BBB of Greater Maryland
Center for Elder Justice and Education
CHANA Baltimore
Comptroller of Maryland
Federal Bureau of Investigation
International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators
Maryland and D.C. Credit Union Association
Maryland Bankers Association
Maryland Department of Aging
Maryland Department of Human Services,
Maryland Office of Financial Regulation
Maryland Office of the Attorney General
The Senior Zone
Transnational Elder Fraud Strike Force
U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland
Wells Fargo