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AARP AARP States Massachusetts

The Livable Communities Map: A New Tool to Learn About Community Improvements

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The AARP Livable Communities Map is a free, interactive tool that can help you find out about the improvements and adjustments being done in Bay State communities like yours. Whether it is through collaborations through our annual Community Challenge Grant projects or by other means, communities have been working to make improvements that can make communities navigable and livable for all people as they age. Try to find your community on the map.

Recently, the Map has been updated with several new features designed to provide more information about the work being done by organizations nationwide. Designed to spur action across the country by highlighting replicable actions and work taken, visitors can use the interactive map to look for ways to make their own community improvements. We encourage you to use this new tool! Visit the AARP Livable Communities website where you can read an article to learn more about the new features.

You can utilize the search and filter functions to narrow profiles down by state, county, or city; population size range; year of work; livability topic; grant project category; organization name; or keyword.

Hundreds of towns, cities and counties throughout the nation have enrolled in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities (NAFSC) or received a quick-action AARP Community Challenge grant. Each of these organizations have unique experiences, lessons learned, and valuable insights they have picked up along the way as they work to make their communities more livable for people of all ages. Over 2,000 profiles on the Map share ways that AARP Community Challenge grantees and NAFSC members have worked to make community improvements in topics like public places; transportation; housing; civic engagement; digital connections; and more.

Learn more about our livable work in the Bay State by clicking our page below or click here to see where your community lands on the livability index.

The AARP Massachusetts Livable Communities Page
The AARP Massachusetts Livable Communities Page
AARP Massachusetts is advocating for you. We're doing everything we can to make your neighborhoods, towns, cities, and rural areas great places to live for people of all ages. Apply for an AARP Community Challenge Grant. AARP funds projects that spark long-term change to improve livability in a variety of ways. Click here to learn more.

About AARP Massachusetts
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