AARP Eye Center

Fall Financial Series-
Thrifty Thursdays
AARP Massachusetts knows how important finances are to everyday life. That is why this fall we are launching our Thrifty Thursday Webinar event series- built to assist you in better understanding and managing your finances. These events are free to attend, you need only sign up. Webinar topics are Social Security, Strategies for Managing Debt, Avoiding Scams, Planning for Retirement and Caregiving Costs. All webinars will be closed captioned. Bring your questions!
TThursday October 19th 6:00pm
Retirement Planning: Strategies for Today and Tomorrow
Retirement planning doesn’t have to be daunting. It’s never too early or too late to take charge of your financial future. If you're anxious about retirement, you can still build your stash — with the right moves. Learn tips for determining if you are on track and learn practical strategies to help you achieve retirement peace of mind.
Sign up by clicking here
Thursday, October 26th 6:00pm
Social Security: Understanding Your Benefits
If you would like to have a better sense of how Social Security works, this workshop can help! This discussion will focus on the decisions you will be making about when to claim Social Security benefits and what implications those choices may have on your finances. Topics to be addressed include how to estimate what your monthly benefits will be and how to secure them. We’ll also cover the circumstances that may affect the size of those payments, such as your marital status, years in the workforce and when you opt to claim benefits. The goal is to help you build confidence in your ability to make a decision that is right for you! Sign up by clicking here.