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What’s your image of a caregiver? If you envisaged a middle-aged woman, one who is caring for an ailing parent, you wouldn’t be wrong. AARP research shows that the “typical” family caregiver is a 49-year old woman who cares for a relative.
Watch this video of comedian Jim Breuer, who is the caregiver for his father.
Yet, according to Caregiving in the U.S., a 2015 AARP survey done in conjunction with the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC), 40 percent of family caregivers caring for adults are men. That equals approximately 16 million male family caregivers in U.S.
Breaking Stereotypes: Spotlight on Male Family Caregivers, is a new study and report from AARP Public Policy Institute, which examines the increasing role of men serving as caregivers and the support they need.
Read more about The Hidden Male Caregiver, and learn the story of James Dotson who has been caring for his mother for the past 6 years.
Men as Caregivers: Jack's Caregiver Coalition
Men as Caregivers: Philadelphia Support Group
Learn more and access free resources about caregiving at our Caregiving Resource Center.