AARP Eye Center

For over half a century, AARP has been the nation’s leading social change organization defending, representing and advancing the needs and wants of people 50+. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all as we age.
Our volunteer Speakers Bureau provides free presentations and talks throughout their local communities, addressing the issues that matter most to Massachusetts residents. You can find our current list of topics here. There are also Additional, Behind the scenes volunteer roles within the Speakers Bureau - Click here to learn more.
If you have a desire to educate your community or have a background in public speaking and are looking to share your skills in a meaningful way, we invite you to a virtual Speakers Bureau Training on April 13 from 10:00am-12:00pm. Registration is required and you can register by clicking here.
During the Speakers Bureau Training, We will cover the following:
- Facilitation skills
- Presentation demonstrations
- Practice sessions
- Action steps
-All Available roles
Want to see a Volunteer Speaker in action? Check out our Fraud Talk Tuesday event on Tuesday April 11, 2023 at 12:00pm on Caregiving Fraud. Hiring in-home care can be complicated and costly. Finding someone you can trust adds another layer of complexity and concern. Tune in to this Fraud Talk to learn more about the signs of Caregiving Fraud and to see one of our Volunteer Speakers in action. Register by clicking here.