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AARP Michigan

Stay up-to-date with happenings for Michiganders 50-plus
MAR 14, 2025
Empowering you with tools, resources and knowledge to protect your financial future—secure your savings, safeguard against fraud and navigate work and retirement with confidence.
MAR 7, 2025
Welcome to AARP Michigan's dedicated hub for caregiving—a space designed to empower and support individuals navigating the intricate journey of caregiving. At AARP, we understand the profound impact that caregiving has on individuals, families and communities. We understand YOU. Whether you're providing care for a loved one or seeking guidance on navigating the challenges of caregiving, our resources and advocacy initiatives are here to offer valuable insights, expert advice, and support.
MAR 5, 2025
AARP Michigan's 2025 Michigan State Legislative Agenda is now available
MAR 4, 2025
AARP Real Possibilities by AARP Michigan is a weekly TV show airing every Tuesday on ABC 53 in Lansing and Jackson at 9:00 am and ABC 4 West Michigan at noon.
Ad Highlights Story of Larry Zarzecki, Forced to Sell His Home to Pay for Parkinson’s Medications
AARP Michigan is encouraging its members to be on the lookout for signs of possible fraud, such as unusual financial transactions on bank statements.
As frontline advocates for improving Michigan’s long term care system, AARP Michigan today heralded the enactment of HB 5523, a bipartisan supplemental appropriations bill that will enable more people to age at home longer while also funding a new pilot to test single bed occupancy in nursing homes.
Surge Peak Drove Cases Among Staff and Residents to Highest Rate Since June 2020
Find out what you can do to make a difference and gain helpful resources to help you stay connected.
Honoring leaders giving back to their communities
Lansing, Michigan – Today, AARP Michigan launched the first volley in a public awareness campaign to sound the alarm about a petition drive seeking to create unnecessary and potentially risky new requirements for those who rely on absentee voting. 
“When the pension tax passed in 2011, it changed the effective value of pension benefits for a large swath of Michiganders already on fixed incomes and continues to this day to impact new waves of retirees, including the current surge of COVID-19 retirees. Our state did a shameful thing when it pulled the rug out from under these workers. AARP Michigan has long sought to have this law repealed and supports the governor’s current call to phase it out. Michiganders who have worked hard, played by the rules and paid their dues deserve to retire with dignity, but too many have been forced to go back to work to pay the bills. AARP fought against this bad legislation in 2011 and will continue to fight it today. We urge state legislators to do the right thing by repealing this law and helping build Michigan’s reputation as the first ‘age-friendly’ state in the Midwest.”
$10 million grant from to AARP Foundation will support free technology trainings to help older women and people of color thrive in the digital economy
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Welcome to AARP Michigan
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.