AARP Real Possibilities by AARP Michigan is a weekly TV show airing every Tuesday on ABC 53 in Lansing and Jackson at 9:00 am and ABC 4 West Michigan at noon.
AARP Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer Nancy LeaMond issued the following statement on Friday, February 28, related to comments about changes at the Social Security Administration (SSA):
AARP Michigan is accepting nominations for the third annual Stephen J. Gools Award, to be given each year to those who have helped to bring about positive social change in the state.
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has issued a “clear and strong statement” on the state constitutional protection of Detroit workers’ and retirees’ vested pension benefits, according to Lisa Dedden Cooper, AARP Michigan Manager of Advocacy.
AARP Michigan President Thomas Kimble and State Director Jacqueline Morrison sent the following letter to state Senators expressing support for the Healthy Michigan bill, HB 4714:
Happy 78 th birthday, Social Security. Since FDR signed you into law on Aug. 14, 1935, you’ve survived wars, budget cuts and changing demographics. Today you may be older than most of your beneficiaries, but you’re still central to secure retirement.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - AARP has announced new resources available to all Americans looking for facts about the Affordable Care Act including a new online tool at
In response to the Detroit bankruptcy issue and its potential impact on pensions and health benefits, AARP Michigan State Director Jacqueline Morrison issued the following statement today:
Following is a statement from Lisa Dedden Cooper, AARP Michigan Advocacy Manager, on passage today by the Senate Operations Committee of House Bill 4714, the legislation that expands Medicaid health coverage to low-income working families: