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AARP AARP States Mississippi Community

Mississippi COVID-19 News and Information

Below are the latest articles, information, and resources collected or provided by AARP Mississippi. For questions or concerns, contact the office at

Latest COVID-19 News and Information
Resources for updates, home health visits, food banks, grocery access and meal delivery.
We may be isolated, but we don’t have to be alone. AARP Community Connections is a new website that offers steps to find help – or give it – during the coronavirus pandemic. At a time when people are self-isolating, the website connects you to support in your community. It also enables you to join or organize your own online mutual aid group to stay connected, share ideas and help your family, neighbors and those most affected by COVID-19.
Mississippi residents can schedule new COVID-19 vaccine appointments or walk into a nearby pharmacy to get a shot. Here’s how to find an updated vaccine near you.
(Jackson, MS) — AARP and Toyota are teaming up to serve communities in and around Marshall County with a new initiative aimed at improving education, outreach and access to COVID-19 vaccines. The two organizations collaborated to provide two Toyota vehicles to Alliance Charitable Foundation of Marshall County to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to homebound Mississippians, as well as to provide rides to vaccine appointments.
AARP Community Connections, a new online platform launched by AARP Innovation Labs, allows users to organize and find local volunteer groups to help pick up groceries, provide financial assistance or lend emotional support to neighbors, friends and loved ones. Across the country, these informal online groups—also called “mutual aid” groups—help communities stay connected at a time when people must practice social distancing to stay safe.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused the Mississippi Legislature to pause the 2020 session. However, AARP Mississippi continued its advocacy work virtually by activating volunteers to call their legislators about issues that are important to people age 50 and over. As COVID-19 cases in Mississippi began to increase, it became apparent that the disease was significantly affecting long-term care facilities.
AARP will host a live Coronavirus Information Tele-Town Hall every Thursday at 12 p.m. (CST). Experts at this week’s live Q&A event will address your questions related to protecting yourself and loved ones from the virus, staying healthy and reducing social isolation.

About AARP Mississippi
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.