AARP Eye Center
The St. Louis Symphony once again is offering a discount (50% off) opportunity for AARP members and their guests. On Saturday, April 11 th at 8:00 pm you will be treated to a wonderful performance of Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante. You won’t want to miss this opportunity. Click here for tickets. (Discount is only good for April 11th performance)
Semyon Bychkov, conductor - Jonathan Chu, violin - Beth Guterman Chu, viola
MOZART Sinfonia concertante, K. 364
Revel in the brilliant musical dialogue between the STL Symphony’s own Jonathan Chu and Beth Guterman Chu in Mozart’s colorful Sinfonia concertante. Semyon Bychkov conducts Shostakovich’s Eighth Symphony, the concept of which the composer summed up as, “all that is dark and oppressive will disappear; all that is beautiful will triumph.”