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About AARP

AARP is proud to highlight our founder, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, and to honor her legacy during Women’s History Month.
AARP members and their friends are invited to participate in hikes and bike rides in the St. Louis area from June through November.
AARP Missouri is hosting computer classes in the Kansas City* and St. Louis areas throughout 2018. The topics include online safety, Microsoft operating systems, how to use a smartphone or tablet, and social media.
For two years, AARP Missouri has fought for legislation that could help family caregivers when a relative is in a hospital or about to come home. The bill stalled in committee in 2016 and 2017.
AARP Missouri successfully blocked a bill in 2016 that would have made consumers bear the risk of weather-related changes in utility costs. AARP members flooded their elected officials’ email inboxes and phone lines with messages opposing the legislation. Thanks to their efforts, and several state senators from both parties, the measure was defeated.
The devastating natural disasters that have made national news this year serve as a reminder to people of all ages that we must take action to prepare for emergencies that could affect us where we live, work or visit.
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