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Missouri is in the last leg of a major push by the government, private companies and nonprofits, including AARP, to extend high-speed internet access to every state resident. Missouri has allocated $261 million of its American Rescue Plan Act funding for broadband efforts. And, last year, the federal Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program awarded the state an additional $1.7 billion — the biggest public investment of its kind in Missouri to date.
A very divisive session comes to an end.
Read more about the Federal Reimbursement Allowance
Property tax relief is an important issue that must be addressed.
The Missouri Legislative Session began Wednesday, January 3rd at 12:00pm in Jefferson City
New AARP Scorecard: Missouri Ranks 38th in the Country for Long-Term Care Services and Supports for Older Americans, Including Family Caregivers
Advocates say the state’s long-term care ombudsman program, which advocates on behalf of residents in nursing homes and other care facilities, is chronically underfunded and needs more money to hire staff and train volunteers.
The Show Me More Savings Act would set up a retirement program for businesses with fewer than 50 employees, so workers could have funds automatically deducted from their paychecks.
Broadband access is still lacking in many parts of rural Missouri. AARP is working to change that.
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