AARP Eye Center

Information is power. And sometimes a little information is all someone needs to change their life. That’s the goal of AARP Missouri’s Speakers Bureau. Whether it’s how to avoid frauds and scams or where a caregiver can find resources, the aim is to connect people to the information they need. It’s part of AARP’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for all as we age and AARP Speakers Bureau Volunteers are essential to that mission. We need your help to fulfill that mission—and not just with speakers!
Of course, AARP Missouri’s Speakers Bureau needs volunteer presenters, but we also need volunteers who can help presenters by assembling and handing out information at presentations. In addition, volunteers are needed to identify and connect community organizations with AARP speakers. That means there are multiple volunteer opportunities within the AARP Missouri Speakers Bureau to help share information to empower people to live their best lives.
Speakers Bureau Volunteers receive training for whatever role(s) they raise their hand for to ensure they are fully trained and comfortable in that role. There are three key roles in the Speakers Bureau: speakers, assistants, and connectors:
If you’re comfortable speaking in front of a group (in-person, virtual, or both) this could be a great way to give back to your community. Volunteers who are speakers will present AARP provided information to groups. AARP will provide the presentation volunteers can customize to fit their own style before presenting. Presentations are under 30 minutes, often 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions. Presentations can be either in person or virtual. Volunteer speakers can choose which presentations they are willing to give as well as which format(s) they are comfortable presenting. Broad core topics are Caregiving, Fraud Prevention, Brain Health, HomeFit: Keeping Your Home Safe as You Age, and All About AARP.
If you’re not comfortable in front of a group, you may be interested in helping our speakers by distributing information before, during and after the presentation. Speakers Bureau Assistants will go with a speaker to a presentation (in-person or virtual) to help with logistics, handouts and other materials, and sometimes fielding basic questions from participants. Like a speaker, assistants choose which presentations they’re comfortable assisting with and in which format(s). For virtual presentations, AARP will provide additional training. At times, assistants may come in to an AARP location/office to assemble or pick up materials for a presentation or download materials/links for a virtual presentation.
Connector Volunteers are the matchmakers between community organizations, speakers, and assistants. Without a connector, opportunities to really make an impact can get lost. Connectors have many options for how to do match up speakers and assistants with organizations—through an online form, e-mails, calls, flyers, or in person contacts. The connectors will find organizations that need speakers and match them up with a speaker for the requested topic and help identify an assistant to accompany the presenter.
For more information and to connect with AARP about any of the volunteer opportunities in our Speakers Bureau, go to Speakers Bureau Interest Indicator.