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AARP AARP States Missouri Volunteering

Kathy Bond, AARP Missouri volunteer state president relocating to California

Dr. Kathleen “Kathy” Bond, AARP Missouri volunteer state president for the past three years, has relocated to California and had to sadly submit her resignation as lead state volunteer and member of the Executive Council. When announced, AARP Missouri State Director Craig Eichelman alerted the Council members and volunteers across the state with this missive.

“It takes a special person to give of themselves as a true leader - the kind of leader who is available to other volunteers and who offers mentoring guidance to me in my role as State Director. Dr. Kathleen (Kathy) Bond is just that kind of leader. Knowing this, it is with mixed emotion that I accepted her resignation as volunteer State President effective immediately.

For three years Kathy has served AARP with distinction, leading our work in Jefferson City on the future of nursing, healthcare access, and of course her tireless work to growing the caliber of the Executive Council. Kathy is a very private person, but she did share with me that family came first and was moving back to California. I cannot say enough good things about Kathy and will always be grateful for the selfless time she gave to our association. We’re all better off and in a stronger position because of her efforts. Kathy will be missed.”

Mr. Sidney McCarther of Raytown has agreed to serve as Interim State President and guide the Executive Council through the 2015 state planning process this fall.

McCarther is a current member of the Executive Council and a graduate of AARP’s Volunteer Leadership Institute (VLI) which gives exceptional volunteers an opportunity to develop and add to their skills in leading other volunteers and taking on empowered volunteer roles. This intensive leadership training program prepares participants for new opportunities and responsibilities in support of AARP’s mission. In his role as Interim State President, McCarther will utilize VLI training in addition to his past work and volunteer experiences.

We will miss you Kathy! Stay in touch!

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