Still looking at how you’re going to get your taxes done for 2015? The AARP Foundation offers free tax preparation services for Missouri taxpayers with low to moderate incomes through the Foundation’s Tax-Aide program. Sites throughout the St. Louis region are available.
Bicrobrews …AARP in St. Louis is a proud sponsor of another Trailnet guided bike ride on Saturday, August 22nd. With the rapidly expanded microbrewery scene in St. Louis, we are on the map as one of the top 10 beer cities in the U.S. Pedal your way on the less-than-15-mile bicycle tour and learn what it takes to craft a fine brew from some of St. Louis' most outstanding microbreweries. Tours and tastings will be offered at several stops (must be 21 to partake). Secure parking and breakfast options will be also available. For more details, click here.
The AARP St. Louis booth at the St Louis Home & Garden show was a hit! We had over 2200 people visit our booth over the four days of the show despite the snowy weather on Saturday and Sunday! Visitors were treated to an oven stick, a jar opener and the amazing newly revised AARP Home Fit Guide. They were also treated to home modification information and demonstrations by Rebuilding Together – St. Louis.
This year, AARP Foundation is again providing free tax filing assistance for taxpayers with low to moderate income through the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, in its 46th year, is the nation’s largest free tax assistance and preparation service, giving special attention the older population. You do not need to be a member of AARP or a retiree to use this service.
Delegates to the Missouri Institute on Minority Aging statewide conference found plenty of helpful materials at an AARP exhibit there, thanks to a collaborative effort between the AARP Missouri state office and the Jefferson City AARP Chapter #4401. Volunteers for the Capital City's chapter staffed the exhibit for two days in Columbia and distributed scores of AARP booklets, fact sheets, and other useful give aways provided by the AARP Missouri state office.
St. Louisan Robert “Bob” Juergens has been selected as the new volunteer Missouri State Coordinator for the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program. Juergens replaces outgoing State Coordinator Lynn Boulware, from Lebanon, who completed seven years at the helm.