AARP Eye Center

JEFFERSON CITY – Today AARP Missouri presented the Capitol Caregiver Award to Senator Scott Sifton (D-St. Louis County) for his work on passing the CARE Act into law during the 2018 session.
The Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable (CARE) Act will ensure that when a patient is admitted into the hospital or ambulatory surgical center they can designate a family caregiver in their medical record and that person will be contacted upon discharge and will receive instruction of the after-care tasks they will need to perform at home.
Senator Sifton and former Representative Diane Franklin (R-Camdenton) took over carrying the legislation when former Representative Cloria Brown (R-St. Louis County) was no longer able to assist due to her being diagnosed with cancer.
“The champion for family caregivers in the Capitol found herself in need of a family caregiver.” said Jay Hardenbrook, Advocacy Director for AARP, “It’s a situation any of us can find ourselves in and it showed the need for her legislation.”
Representative Cloria Brown passed away last year.
“I’m just so glad I could do this for Cloria and for all the family caregivers in Missouri.” Sifton said.
AARP Missouri will be working throughout the year to educate Missourians on their rights under the CARE Act and with the Missouri Hospital Association to ensure smooth implementation.
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