AARP Eye Center

As AARP Missouri looks ahead to the 2017 Missouri legislative session, several rate hike proposals by the state’s monopoly utilities are staring us in the face.
Starting this month, Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L) will have public hearings on their rate case to raise rates by an average of $9.00 per month for each residential customer. A similar proposal by Ameren Missouri will hold public hearings in January. Hearing dates are noted below for December KCP&L hearings and customers are encouraged to attend to learn more and make opinions heard.
However, the Public Service Commission (PSC) isn’t the only path that these companies will use to raise your rates. These utility entities will also be seeking surcharges and automatic rate hikes through the legislative process.
Even though Noranda (aluminum smelter located in New Madrid) has moved out of Missouri, we expect Missouri’s monopoly electric companies to seek automatic rate hikes similar to those proposed - and defeated - during the 2016 legislative session.
Missouri American Water and Laclede Gas will also be back with their annual request to raise rates on customers through a variety of surcharges and rate schemes. Certainly, the legislation that would eliminate the cap on surcharges for infrastructure replacement and water and gas decoupling will be back on the legislative docket.
By now, you’ve probably heard our radio ads or seen our posts on Facebook preparing our members for the fights that are coming. We have also built a page for Missouri utility issues that will be active and updated throughout the year which can be accessed at Bookmark it and visit it often to keep abreast of utility and legislation activities.
KCP&L Public Hearing Schedule for December
The Missouri Public Service Commission has announced the local public hearing schedule in an electric rate case filed by Kansas City Power & Light Company (KCP&L). The local public hearing schedule appears below. A PSC Staff public information/question and answer session is followed by the Commission receiving testimony from the public.
December 15—Marshall. Martin Community Center, Room #2, 1985 S. Odell Avenue. 11:30 a.m.
December 15—Gladstone. Gladstone Community Center, Gladstone/Linden Room, 6901 N. Holmes Street. 5:30 p.m.
December 20—Kansas City. Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Heritage Center Auditorium, 3700 Blue Parkway. 11:00 a.m.
December 20—Kansas City. Gregg/Klice Community Center, Large Meeting Room, 1600 East 17th Terrace. 5:00 p.m.
Contact Jay Hardenbrook at if you are interested specifically about utilities issues OR advocacy issues in general.