AARP Eye Center

One of AARP Missouri’s highest priorities this fall is ensuring people have choices when voting and can vote safely. This year, with the coronavirus pandemic, there are lots of questions on what kind of accommodations and choices are available for voters.
Some voters may choose to vote in person on Election Day and others may just not feel safe doing so. We’re hearing a lot about absentee voting and getting questions about how it works in Missouri. Especially with the recent new voting laws!
Some questions we hear over and over, so Jay Hardenbrook, AARP Missouri’s Advocacy Director, has created some short, clear answers to our most frequently asked questions. You can click on the questions below to listen to Jay’s explanation on our YouTube channel. Comment on the videos if you need more explanation or have a question Jay doesn’t answer.
AARP Missouri wants everyone to be safe and be able to vote!
How safe is voting absentee by mail?
I already requested an absentee ballot. Can I still go in and vote absentee in person?
What do I do if I make a mistake on my absentee ballot?
Who needs to have their absentee ballot notarized?
Why are absentee ballots invalidated?
When are absentee ballots counted?
What’s the due date for absentee ballots to be received by election officials?