AARP Eye Center
Join our online Q&A sessions to learn how to age-proof your career.
As an experienced worker, you have years of expertise and advanced skills to offer. What are you doing to help employers recognize them?
Whether you’re looking for a new job, working to advance in your current company or thinking about a career change, you want to showcase your skills with confidence. Join our live, two-part Q&A sessions, Age-Proof Your Career for simple tips and tools to help you move your career forward . AARP Work & Jobs experts will lead the discussions.
Age Proof Your Career Q&A
Part 1: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 • 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. CT
Part 2: Thursday, March 29, 2018 • 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. CT

In Part 1, we’ll cover all aspects of the job search process. In Part 2, we’ll highlight steps you can take once you’ve applied for a job. By participating in both sessions, you’ll learn about:
- The importance of developing new skills and staying current on new technologies, certifications and other career enhancements
- Networking (in-person and online) and interviewing
- Resumes and cover letters
- Building and leveraging a support network
- Utilizing social media to connect with past, present and potential colleagues
- Staying confident and relevant
- Navigating job search boards, career fairs and other work resources
- And more!
Click here to register.
Can’t log in on the live date? Don’t worry. Register and you can still watch the interactive webinar on demand at your convenience.