AARP Eye Center

When Montana’s Legislature convenes its biennial session on Jan. 7, lawmakers will address several critical priorities for 50-plus residents.
AARP Montana will push for full funding for Area Agencies on Aging to help the 118,000 Montanans who provide unpaid care to family members or friends.
Other priorities on the agenda include protecting Medicaid expansion—which provides health insurance for 96,000 residents—from attempts to defund it, and urging reinstatement of money for guardianship training.
In addition, AARP will support efforts to stave off any proposals that would weaken the state’s public retirement system for past and future employees.
AARP Montana urges residents to make their voices heard by contacting legislators during the session, which is scheduled to run to May 1. Lawmakers can be reached at 406-444-4800 or through