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AARP AARP States Montana

State Legislators Deserve Praise for their Dedication to Older Montanans 


By Sandy Bailey, AARP Montana Volunteer State President

On behalf of AARP Montana, its 134,000 members, as well as all 50+ Montanans, I want to thank all legislators for their service and dedication, regardless of political affiliation. Each legislative session, our legislators leave their families, businesses, places of work and communities for 90 days to serve their Montana constituents who voted them into office. 

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As we pass the midpoint of the 2025 Montana state legislative session, I am particularly grateful for their work on issues that impact older Montanans, like property tax relief. There are several bills that are advancing through the legislative process which would provide much needed relief, we will continue to support those efforts. 

Additionally, I appreciate the legislature’s work to renew Medicaid Expansion (HB 245), ensuring affordable health care for 81,000 Montanans, including 18,550 ages 50 to 64. The bill has already passed the legislature and is waiting for the Governor’s signature. 

Legislators are also considering a $4 million funding increase in the state budget for Montana’s 10 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) which are on the front lines of providing high-quality services to Montanans 60+, yet they haven’t had an increase in their state funding since 2016. 

In the remaining weeks of the session, I urge legislators to support measures that benefit Montanans age 50+, allowing them to stay in their homes and avoid costly nursing homes. This includes timelier Medicaid home and community-based services (SB 72), expanding healthcare provider options through interstate compacts, protecting against financial exploitation, and addressing Social Security income taxation. 

Please join me in thanking our legislators for their service. 

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