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AARP AARP States Montana Advocacy

Preserve Your Freedom to Vote on Election Day!

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This November you will vote on LR 126, a ballot issue to repeal Montana's Election Day Voter registration law.  AARP is fighting to defeat this bad idea.

LR 126 tries to fix an election system that isn't broken  For the last ten years, Montanans have followed the law and registered to vote, changed their address, and cast a ballot on Election Day.   The last thing we need is to trade this fair system for a bureaucratic one that denies qualified Montana citizens their constitutional right to vote.

LR 126 hurts seniors and veterans: Many people who use same-day voting are seniors who've earned their right to vote through a lifetime of hard work and military veterans who've served this great country.

Montana Proud: We’re proud of our voting system in Montana. We should be doing all we can to make sure qualified Montana citizens can participate in our Democracy, not threatening their freedom to vote for the candidate that shares their views and values. This fall, Vote No on LR 126.

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