AARP Eye Center

Caring for a parent, spouse, or other loved one can be a 24/7 job that is emotionally, physically and financially difficult. That’s why AARP works tirelessly to support family caregivers, striving to make your big responsibilities a little bit easier.

Nevada Caregiver Resource Guide
A starting point to find services and supports in Nevada, this guide can help throughout your caregiving journey.
AARP Family Caregiving Site
AARP is here to help with information and resources on caregiver life balance, financial and legal issues, care at home, health and more.
Community Resource Finder
Easily access a comprehensive listing of dementia and aging-related resources such as care providers, programs and services available in a specified area.
Quick Tips for Caregivers
Check out how to use simple household items to solve everyday challenges FIGHTING FOR YOU
AARP Nevada helps pass new laws to protect older Nevadans
With Nevada’s legislature only meeting once every two years, it’s important for AARP Nevada to ensure issues impacting residents over 50 are addressed. During the 2019 Nevada State Legislative Session, AARP worked hard to help pass new laws creating Power of Attorney for persons with dementia, guardianship nomination, restricting placement authority, protecting decision making, and mandatory paid time off. These new laws close loopholes to protect the older Nevadans with strict new guidelines to make sure decisions are made in the best interests of those who might be unable to act on their own behalf.
To join the fight for family caregivers and their loved ones, sign up to be an e-activist.
New Law Creates Caregiver Advisory Committee
AARP’s National Volunteer President Catherine Alicia Georges serves on the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council, created by a bipartisan federal law that AARP fought hard to pass. The Council is charged with developing a national strategy to support family caregivers that includes communities, providers, government, and others. Learn more about the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council.
Share your Story
Join the thousands of family caregivers have shared their experiences through AARP’s storytelling initiative, I Heart Caregivers. Your story will help AARP continue to fight for more support for family caregivers, including help at home, workplace flexibility, training, and relief in your state.
Please stay in touch! Here's how to contact us:
AARP Nevada - 5820 S. Eastern Avenue #190, Las Vegas, NV 89119
Call: 866-389-5652
Stay up-to-date on important news and events! "Like" us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, follow us on Instagram and check out our YouTube channel.
Please be aware that AARP Nevada staff members serve the entire state and are often working in the community. To ensure we can best serve your specific needs, please call 866-389-5652 in advance of your visit to make an appointment with the appropriate staffer.
The AARP Foundation WorkSearch/Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) operates from separate locations in southern and northern Nevada. For information about this program, please contact 702-648-3356 (Las Vegas) or 775-323-2243 (Reno)
Members of the press only: Media inquiries should be directed to Erin Neff, (702) 938-3237 /