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AARP AARP States North Dakota Events

Opt in to Receive Email from AARP North Dakota on Upcoming Events and Other News

Opt-in email photo

We are encouraging AARP members in North Dakota to sign up to receive email from AARP North Dakota about upcoming events and other news. Go to If you don’t already have an account on the AARP website, you’ll have to create one (by entering a user name and password) before you can opt in to receive our email.

You'll receive emails about upcoming events such as lunch and learns, Movies for Grownups, and free document shredding. We'll also periodically send you an email with other news from AARP North Dakota, such as volunteer opportunities, efforts to stop utility rate increases, and our advocacy work on behalf of North Dakotans 50 and older.

So, please opt in to receive our emails and be among the first to know about our upcoming events in your area.

About AARP North Dakota
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.