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AARP AARP States North Dakota Caregiving

Learn to Balance Your Life as a Family Caregiver

Multi-generation family standing together in yard

UPDATE: If you missed the Nov. 12 telephone town hall, you can still listen to it here:

We know many family caregivers are trying to juggle work and family with their caregiving responsibilities. You know what it’s like to be a nonstop juggler, trying to have a life while keeping some balance among responsibilities.

Join an hour-long telephone town hall discussion among caregivers to learn ways to balance your work and your personal life with your caregiving duties. Our guest will be Julie Westendorf, the leave management supervisor with Sanford Health's Human Resources Division.

Right now there are an estimated 68,000 family caregivers in North Dakota. If you’re not currently a caregiver, you likely will be one in the future or need the help of a caregiver yourself at some point in your life.

If you missed the first two caregiver telephone town halls held earlier this year, you can still watch them here. The first conversation focused on state and local resources to help family caregivers. The second focused on a new law which provides support for family caregivers when their loved ones go into the hospital and as they transition home.

We hope you will join the conversation during these town hall discussions.

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