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AARP AARP States Oklahoma

AARP Oklahoma signs a settlement agreement that guarantees no utility rate increase for OG&E customers

 AARP Oklahoma and additional parties signed a settlement agreement today which includes no utility rate increase and no increase to fixed monthly customer charges for Oklahoma Gas & Electric’s (OG&E) customers. The filed settlement agreement also rejects OG&E’s request for annual rate adjustments and provides additional assistance for low-income OG&E customers.  

AARP Oklahoma wants the Corporation Commission to reject the settlement agreement filed by OG&E last week and approve the settlement agreement filed today. AARP Oklahoma State Director Sean Voskuhl issued the following statement: 

“The settlement agreement filed today by AARP Oklahoma is both reasonable and fair to both customers and the utility, unlike the settlement agreement filed by OG&E last week which once again fails to protect customers from an unnecessary rate hike.   

OG&E reported a profit of $279.5 million in the first quarter of 2022 and projects retail sales growth between 3.5 – 5% this year over 2021 levels. As families struggle with skyrocketing costs and historic inflation, OG&E has the audacity to ask for another rate hike. 

With the soaring costs of gasoline, food, medicine, and utilities, Oklahomans are under tremendous financial stress.  If OG&E’s self-serving settlement agreement is approved, hundreds of thousands of older Oklahomans on fixed incomes may be forced to buy food or medicine or to pay outrageous utility bills. 

AARP Oklahoma will continue to fight to get OG&E's customers a fair deal and urges the Corporation Commissioners to approve the settlement agreement filed today.” 

Last month, nearly 7,000 petitions from OG&E customers opposed to an OG&E rate hike were entered into the public record for Commissioners Murphy, Hiett and Anthony to review.  

AARP Oklahoma and other signatories will present testimony at a public hearing at the Corporation Commission scheduled on June 27 at 8:30 a.m. 

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