There are plenty of reputable contests and sweepstakes out there (including some from AARP), and let’s be honest, winning feels great! However, there are questionable characters out there who are trying to hook you on winning to reel in the profits for themselves.
With the tech support scam, you get an online popup or a call from a well-known tech company (like Microsoft or Apple) that a virus has been identified on your computer. The scammer convinces you that he can fix the problem for a fee. Victims who catch on and stop payment are now getting hit with an associated scam.
A law passed in 2015 requires Medicare to remove Social Security numbers from Medicare cards. Beneficiaries will begin to receive their new cards in May, and the rollout will continue into 2019. This is a good move, since Social Security numbers are the key to identity theft, and having them displayed on Medicare cards has long presented risk. Unfortunately, scammers have come up with ways to take advantage of this change.
The AARP Fraud Watch Network brings fraud-fighting efforts to Oklahomans across the state with five, free Operation: Stop Scams shredding events in Clinton, Oklahoma City, Shawnee and Tulsa beginning April 17, 2018.
Lately, it seems that you can’t go one day without hearing about the tremendous gains (and losses) of Bitcoin and other popular “virtual currencies.” While high returns make them intriguing as an investment, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) wants you to be aware of the possible risks associated with investing or speculating in virtual currencies. Here’s information straight from the CFTC:
The AARP Fraud Watch Network invites you to FREE Senior Fraud Conferences hosted by the Oklahoma Insurance Department across the state. The conferences are from 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. A complimentary breakfast will be served at 8 a.m. Sign up today to learn how to protect yourself, friends and families from frauds and scams.