Mayor Nutter Encourages Philadelphians to Participate in Survey to Improve Safety, Transportation, and Housing
Survey to support Philadelphia’s efforts to become an age-friendly city
Philadelphia, August 10, 2015 – Mayor Michael A. Nutter, in partnership with the Mayor’s Commission on Aging and AARP Pennsylvania, announced the release of a city-wide survey, the results of which will be used to identify challenges and opportunities to address issues affecting Philadelphia’s age-friendliness and livability, such as safety, transportation and housing.
“Philadelphia is committed to being a great place to live, work and visit. And since the early days of our Administration, we have worked hard to improve the overall quality of life for all of our residents, no matter their age, race or income,” said Mayor Nutter. “We know that different communities have different needs. I want to encourage Philadelphians, especially our seniors, to participate in this survey to help us better understand the diverse needs within our communities and what we can do as a city to support our residents, bringing Philadelphia closer to being an age-friendly city.”
Surveys will be available online and at Free Library locations across the city. The surveys will be collected through September 2015.
“As the baby-boom generation ages, communities need to plan for potential challenges that come with an aging population,” said Bill Johnston-Walsh, AARP PA State Director. “AARP is helping cities become great places for all ages by adopting such features as safe, walkable streets, better housing and transportation options, and access to key services.”
Since the 2010 Census, Pennsylvania’s 65 and older population has grown by 8.9 percent. Over the next 20 years, projections indicate this group will make up nearly a quarter of the state’s total population,with more than 3.2 million residents (Penn State Data Center, 2015). More than 12 percent of Philadelphia’s 1.5 million residents are 65 or older (Census, 2010).
For more information on the Commission on Aging, log on to
AARP has 1.8 million members in Pennsylvania. Follow AARP Pennsylvania on Facebookand on Twitter @AARPPA.