AARP Eye Center

The following statement was issued by AARP Pennsylvania State Director Bill Johnston-Walsh on the water rate increase request made by the Pennsylvania American Water Company (PAWC):
“On behalf of our 1.8 million members and all Pennsylvanians 50-plus, AARP Pennsylvania is opposed to the PAWC’s rate adjustment request recently filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC). On average, the PAWC proposal would raise water rates for residential customers by at least 25 percent. If approved, charges to the customer could increase by about $17.59 each month -- or $211 a year.
AARP Pennsylvania finds this proposal unacceptable.
The PAWC serves over 681,500 residential water customers in 36 counties across the commonwealth. Water rates are an essential pocketbook issue for them and their families, many of whom struggle to pay their utility bills along with other household expenses like medicine and food.
As an advocate for residential utility consumers, we are calling on PAWC water customers and urging them to contact the PUC at 1-800-692-7380 or to voice their opposition to the proposed water rate increase by telling the PUC to reject PAWC’s proposal to raise their water rates. AARP will continue to oppose rate increases that benefit PAWC’s bottom line on the backs of customers.”